Monday 10 October 2011

BTEC Performing Arts - Lesson Five & Six

After deciding on the table arrangement, we continued to work through the final scene, and it was then structured as follows.

-The White and Red Queens and their corresponding friends sit at the table, all of the evil characters sit on the right side (from the audiences point of view) of the table, and all of the good characters sit on the left, all squashed in, and then the queens are sat on their thrones at either end, the Hatter is sat in the center, on a toadstool prop.

The Hatter begins talking, but as usual, he is talking in rhyme, and this makes all those on the table rhyme also, except for The Red Queen, who refuses to take part in these silly games. Even though the rest of the characters have no say in the matter either way, they simply cannot help it. After the rhyming stops, the Hatter talks of how he stole the remaining pages for himself to stop the fighting in wonderland, but in saying that the pages will go to the most deserving, inadvertently starts a fight, as the Red Queen misinterprets it as the most deserving meaning, the strongest, or the one who comes out best in a fight.

-A fight scene commences between the two queens, and The Red Queen distracts The White Queen and then pushes her to the ground, she then snatches the remaining pages from The White Queen and The Hatter, and shows off about having them. As she gloats the good characters use Fairy Gee's want to pop one of The Red Queens balloon boobs, distracting her, whilst the good characters free Alice and capture Hook, Smee and Evil Stepmother. While they do that, Tweedle Dee takes the remaining pages and hands them to Dum as a peace offering, he accepts and gives them to Alice, who in turn, gives them to the Hatter, back to the original owner. The Cheshire Cat sneaks away as The Red Queen is captured and chained up by Rapunzel and Little Red Riding Hood, and then everyone notices that The Cheshire Cat is missing, he is seen sneaking offstage but is caught by Prince Charming and given the 'Cone of Shame' a pet cone to stop animals from biting wounds, but also greatly humiliating, he is grabbed by the scruff of his neck and with The Red Queen is lead off to her own dungeon.

-Each of the characters are sent back to their books, evil characters are banished from Wonderland, never to return, and the good characters return to their books, but not before a song. The song 'We Go Together' from Grease plays, and this is when the characters go off and everybody takes their bows.

This scene has been very clearly structured now, and is almost perfect, the only thing it lacks is slickness and smoothness, and that is simply due to amount of rehearsal time.

We are roughly 6 weeks away from performance currently, and i believe with hard work, this pantomime is going to be a massive success. I am trying my hardest now to learn lines and be off scripts in one or two weeks time.

All scenes are now blocked and staged and ready, all that is left is to rehearse until perfect.

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